A huge stone moving towards the earth at a speed of 25 thousand km per hour! Will this day in May bring trouble? warning issued

A huge stone moving towards the earth at a speed of 25 thousand km per hour!  Will this day in May bring trouble?  warning issued

There are many such aspects related to space, which may be untouched by humans, but sometimes through them, there is a crisis on humans too. Scientists also keep revealing strange things related to space. Sometimes alien, sometimes something else. Now knowing about what the scientists told, you will definitely feel, scientists have also warned about it, however, they also say that there is no need to be afraid of it. Scientists have told that a huge stone (Asteroid approach Earth) is moving towards the earth and it will pass through very close.

According to the report of The Sun website, the American Space Agency NASA has informed that at the end of this month, a stone 656 feet wide will pass very close to the Earth. This space rock has been named 2023 CL3 (CL3 asteroid close approach to Earth in May). According to the report, NASA has put this stone in the category of asteroids passing near the Earth. Actually, whenever a space rock threatens the earth, NASA includes it in this list and continuously tracks and researches it.

At the end of this month, the stone will pass closely
NASA has described this stone as potentially dangerous. However, there is no danger from this at the moment. This stone moving towards the earth at a speed of 25 thousand kilometers per hour will pass very close to the earth on May 24. At that time its distance will be only 72 lakh kilometers from the earth. You must be feeling that this is a very long distance, then what is the need to be afraid. Actually, such a distance in space is considered less. This stone will not hit the earth, but NASA believes that anything can happen in space at any time, and the path of such things also changes.

Earth has no way to escape!
At present, there is no need for humans to be afraid of the stone, but NASA has estimated that if such a big stone, at such a speed, had hit the earth right, then there could have been a big crisis on humans. Many experts say that the earth is not yet ready to fight with such big stones. She won’t be able to defend herself. That’s why NASA is engaged in preparing a defense mechanism, so that if such stones hit the earth sometime in the future, they can be avoided.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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